Warrnambool: 03 5561 5095 • Koroit: 03 5565 7955


0-3 Room

Our bumble bee room caters for children ages 0-3 years. We offer an indoor and outdoor program where children have choice of playing between the two. Our bumble bee children are given the comfort of having their own yard. 

We have created an environment where all children can feel safe and secure. Our program reflects children's interests; we ensure it is age appropriate as well as challenging, so they continue to develop. The bumble bee room incorperates group times into the daily routine, including singing, dancing, stories, making music, games and more. We base our planning around the children’s strengths, interests, abilities and culture to provide a program that is catered to all the children within the service.

The 0-3 room have embedded a community project of 'Discovering our senses'. Throughout this eduactors incorperate many ways of teaching children all about the 5 senses. We have used intentional teaching, incursions, excursions, sensory experiences, books and more to incorperate a wide range of learning tools. 

We recognise and build up each child's uniqeness. Educators offer different levels of support for each child, catering and enhancing each individual learning style. Children display signs of comfort and happiness within their Honeypot environment.

As early childhood educators we understand the importance of providing an environment that maximises learning opportunities for the children on a daily basis. Although we provide an educational program that focuses highly on the importance of play-based learning, there are specific daily routines and transitions in place that provide a structured learning environment. 

Each child's routine is followed to ensure consistency for the child and family across their home and learning environment. 

Educators communicate with each family verbally or via email, text or facebook messenger regarding their child's day, as well as any relevent information necessary. 

3-5 Room

Our busy bees room caters for children aged 3-5 years. We offer an indoor and outdoor program where children have choice of playing between the two. Our busy bee children are given the space of having their own yard. 

Our planners ensure the program stimulates all areas of learning by creating a diverse range of experiences, encouraging all children to participate and develop in the program. Children have access to a wide range of activities and experiences throughout the entire day. We base our planning around the children’s strengths, interests, abilities and culture to provide a program that is catered to all the children within the service.

Our 3-5 room uses their community project of 'Local Heroes', to create awareness and innovation for the future. This gives children an understanding around the people/organisations that have an impact on our community and even inspiring our children to explore that further. Throughout the year, we explore and grow knowledge around the local heroes in our community. The local heroes include, fire fighters, police officers, volunteers, health professionals, soldiers of war, etc.

The children in the busy bee room take part in progressive meal times, meaning there is a small number of children at the table at one time. Educators have found this creates more meaningful interactions and more opportunity for intentional teaching, while allowing the children to have a say in when they are ready to eat. Throughout progressive meal times children come in groups to sit at the table and eat their meal/snack, they are then assisted to scrape their food scraps into the compost bins. Children also have access to water dispensers which they can use themselves or with assistance during any time of the day. 

As early childhood educators we understand the importance of providing an environment that maximises learning opportunities for the children on a daily basis. Although we provide an educational program that focuses highly on the importance of play-based learning, there are specific daily routines and transitions in place that provide a structured learning environment. Intentional teaching moments such as group times occur throughout the day, indoor/outdoor play, snack and meal times as well as nappy changing and toileting routines all form part of our program.

Each child's routine and needs are met to ensure consistancy for the child and family across their home and learning environment.  

Educators communicate to families verbally and through email, facebook messanger and text to pass on information regarding their child's day or any relevent information necessary. 

3 Year Old Kindergarten Program

As of 2022, our 3 Year Old kindergarten program is funded which means we provide a bachelor qualified kinder teacher. Families have access to utilise two years of funded kinder (one year of 3 year old and one year of 4 year old). 

The evidence also shows that two years are better than one when it comes to early learning and a quality kindergarten program will have more of an impact for children who start at age three than those who start at four. Learning programs led by teachers are even more important for children who are in vulnerable circumstances.

Kindergarten programs delivered in a long day care setting provide flexibility for parents and carers by offering childcare before and after the kindergarten program. As of 2023, to enrol in a 3 year old kindergarten program your child must attend 15 hours per week. Our program runs Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and your child muct attend two of those days to meet the criteria of hours. 

In a kindergarten program, children use play to build their language skills and learn about numbers and patterns. They also learn how to get along with others, share, listen, and manage their emotions. Teachers and educators help children become curious, creative and confident about learning.  All children's learning throughout kinder helps develop children's readiness for beginning school. 

At the Honeypot we ensure to embed routine, child's voice, group experiences, creativity, acedemic learning, cooperative play, and most of all fun! Kinder teachers work closely with families, communicating any information necessary. Our Teachers are there to help support families decisions and ensure children have the best outcome possible in regard to their future kinder and schooling years. Children are only eligable to do one year of funded 3 year old kinder, yet can recieve a second year of 4 year old kinder if the teacher observes clear developmental delays. 

Our wonderful Warrnambool 3 year old kinder program is run by Hannah who has completed her Bachelor of Education in Early Years. Hannah has been in the Early years industry for over 10 years and has been teaching 3 and 4 year old kinder programs for over 4 years. 

Our 3 year old kinder program has a big focus on encouraging children to build relationships with their peers, staff, families and community. Building strong foundations with parents/carers and creating a sense of belonging is something the Honey Pot truely values. 

We provide rich learning experiences that are hands on, play based and extend on from the children’s interests and ideas. We build on the children’s knowledge in academic areas such as literacy, numeracy, art, history, music, our local cultures, sustainability and many more. 

Throughout the day, the children are given the choice to enjoy engaging both outside or indoors to maximise their learning opportunities.

Throughout the year we offer many incursions and excursions - allowing us to connect within our community. These include visiting the library, Fletcher Jones gardens, gymnastics, Logan's beach, the botanical gardens and many more. 

4 Year Old Kindergarten

The 4 year old kinder program runs Monday's and Tuesday's from 8:30am - 4:30pm, with the benefits of long day care hours. Kindergarten programs delivered in a long day care setting provide flexibility for parents and carers by offering childcare before and after the kindergarten program. 

Our Kinder program provides many rich learning activities for children to expand their knowledge in literacy, math, geography, history and cultural events through play based activities in our indoor and outdoor environment. These play based experiences are planned for, based on the children's strengths, interests, abilities and cultures to provide a program that is catered to all the children within the service. Teachers and educators help children become curious, creative and confident about learning.  All children's learning throughout kinder helps develop children's readiness for beginning school. 

At the Honeypot we ensure to embed routine, child's voice, group experiences, creativity, acedemic learning, cooperative play, and most of all fun! Kinder teachers work closely with families, communicating any information necessary. Our Teachers are there to help support families decisions and ensure children have the best outcome possible in regard to their future kinder and schooling years. 

Some of the other wonderful experiences your child will engage in at our kinder include many excursions and incursions. We will teach your children road safety, connect with nature, visit local landmarks to teach our history and culture in Warrnambool, attend performaces at the Lighthouse Theatre, and many more. Our excursions to Tower Hill and the Cudgee Wildlife Park are amongst some of our favourite excursions of children and educators. 

We are also excited to announce our new Nature Kinder Program starting officially in 2023. This will run on a fortnightly basis where we will spend time in nature. There will be no toys, no screens. Instead, the children will be exploring nature - learning about local fauna, animals, birds, rocks. We will also teach children about our rich local Aboriginal history and Nature Safety skills. The Department of Education and Training states “The development of Bush kinder’s reflects the mounting body of evidence that outdoor activities such as exploring natural environments, are beneficial to children and contribute to improving children’s health, wellbeing and behaviour by supporting personal and social development.''

The 4 Year Old Kinder Program in Warrnambool is taught by our incredible Simone. Simone is an experienced and enthuasiastic kindergarten teacher having taught both 3 and 4 year old kinder programs in the past. Simone holds a Bachelor of Education in Early Years, and is an absolute asset to our team. 

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